Since I am now living on the other side of the world to my family and most of my friends this blog is about things I enjoy, things I notice, people I meet, people I miss, history, planning for the future, love and life in general! I guess it's about whatever pops into my head which I want to share with my friends and family... and who knows? I might make some more friends along the way!

01 January, 2006

Making Commitments or Resolutions?

I'm making some resolutions this year, but first I want to tell you about a 'moment' I had in the first hour of 2006!

I said farewell to my closest friend who had come and sat in my parents criminally overhot house where I was looking after 3 of my nieces and nephews, and as she walked to her car I realised I'd been looking forward to the end of 2005 as it had been a difficult one for me in many ways, but in looking back I had overcome a great deal and I'm very proud of the challenges I faced and the setbacks I overcame!

This year I have some goals? ...challenges? ...promises? ...commitments? ...or will I just call them resolutions like everyone else? I tried to rank them in a style of commitment something like this:

I will be healthier by effort.

I will be self confident by practice.

I will be a terrific Creative Memories consultant by consistency.

I will be a more committed and growing Christian by priority.

It seems to me that the four things I aim to achieve this year are kind of impossible for the outsider to measure, so it's a very personal choice I've made, and also that they all support and strengthen one another.

My health is improving by degrees and by knowlege of what my body responds to. By having regular chiropractic treatment for back and neck problems I have almost eliminated the chronic headaches of my past, learned a great deal about cause and effect and taken the next step in prevention of dis-ease in my body by tapping into suppliments which have seen me get through a whole year without a virus, 'flu or even a heavy cold! I am reading and looking into healthier food choices and lifestyle commitments which should see me ...

Feel more energetic and probably lose weight! I should be able to build my self esteem and self confidence by degrees! As my body (and immune system) gains strength, I will feel better equipt to tackle new challenges and every time I succeed (or just try) I will gain a little more! Which will also enable me to...

Put myself into 'scary' situations like (OK don't laugh!) phoning up people! I have a real phone phobia, and it has sadly been reflected in my follow up of friends and customers in my business! By stepping up to talk on the phone, I'll be better prepared for home classes, workshops and accepting new business opportunities!

And my faith? Everything I do and learn is a new opportunity to know God better! Every challenge I undertake I do so with Jesus as my guide and mentor! Every new friend I find is a new reason to thank God! Every good and great thing is a gift from above!

Have a safe, happy and fulfilling new year ... and beyond!

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Blogger Rhax said...

Good poitive thinking, even if it is being affirmed by a pesimist.
Sounds fantastics & I support every bit of the journey.
Things do turn out well! I got into the course I wanted. Stay tuned. shall update eventually.

4:09 AM

Blogger The Crazy Purple Wombat said...

Yay, Yay & more Yay Rhax!

I am feeling very positive and it shows I think! My sister got into her course too after a heap of stuff ups from the college!! It's going to be our year!!

Love you & your girl - CPW x x

10:43 AM

Blogger Kim said...

Okay CPW - it's check up time. We're over a quarter of the way through the year. How are those goals coming?

I'm hoping to post on how my resolutions are going pretty soon. If I can remember exactly what those goals are!!

One more question. As part of your committment to your Creative Memories business - have you done your homework?! :P

All said with love and encouragement!

12:11 AM


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